Wholesale availability

If you own a local floristry business and would like to get added to our weekly availability list we can do that.

We just need to have a Kentucky Resale Certificate on file for you.

feel free to email it to us.

the list will be emailed to you weekly. the availability is an estimate of what should be able to be harvested in the coming week along with amounts and price per bunch.

should we run out of something you requested we will let you know asap.

don’t want anything specific? we love to harvest “Farmer’s Choice” buckets.

they are a mix of our choice of fresh cut flowers in whatever dollar amount you choose.

please note: pickup is currently at our farm m-f by appointment.

11900 lees road Alexandria, Kentucky

delivery is not available at this time.

Please allow at least one or two days notice for orders.

this allows time to harvest and properly hydrate your flowers.


“farmer’s choice” mixed buckets